How Nearshoring Is Empowering Insurance Companies Through Software Development 2023

The insurance industry is constantly evolving, and software development is playing a major role in this transformation. Insurance companies are using software to improve their operations, customer service, and risk management.

Pros and cons of software development for insurance

As with everything in life, there are some positive aspects and negative aspects when you decide to embark on the software development world to optimize your processes and increase your profits. Let’s review them.


There are many reasons why software development is important for insurance companies. For example:

Increased efficiency: The software can automate many of the manual tasks that are currently performed by insurance companies. This can free up employees to focus on more strategic activities, and it can also lead to significant cost savings.

Enhanced customer service: Software can be used to create more personalized and efficient customer experiences. For example, customers can use online portals to purchase policies, file claims, and get updates on their status.

Increased risk management: Software can be used to collect and analyze data to better understand risk. This information can then be used to improve pricing, underwriting, and claims management.


As mentioned before, not everything about starting developing software for your company it’s as easy as it seems. Here are some problems you may encounter:

High cost: Software development can be a costly investment. However, the long-term benefits of software development can often outweigh the initial costs.

Complexity: Software development can be a complex process. It is important to have a team of experienced professionals who can design, develop, and implement the software correctly.

Risk of failure: There is always a risk that software development projects will fail. This is why it is important to have a clear plan and to manage the project carefully.

security insurance software

How nearshoring helps reduce risks

At Wiqod we believe that nearshoring (if you don’t know what nearshoring is, you can read my previous article about the subject here) can help mitigate these cons or risks. How you may ask? Let me tell you some of the benefits of nearshoring.

High Cost? → Cost reduction: Nearshoring can help to reduce the cost of software development by taking advantage of lower labor costs in nearby countries. Nearshoring can help to reduce the cost of software development by up to 50%. This is because labor costs are typically lower in nearshore countries than in the United States or Europe. This can be a significant savings for insurance companies, especially those with large software development budgets.

Complexity? → Better communication: Nearshoring can also help to improve communication between insurance companies and their development teams. This is because the two parties will be located in similar time zones and cultures, which can make it easier to collaborate and resolve issues. Nearshore countries often have a strong IT industry, and many of their graduates have experience working on complex software projects.

Risk of failure? → Reduced: Nearshoring can also help to reduce the risk of software development projects failing. This is because nearshoring teams will have access to the same resources and expertise as onshore teams but at a lower cost. Additionally, nearshoring teams will be more likely to be familiar with the insurance industry, which can help to ensure that the software is developed to meet the specific needs of the company. And they will be able to provide guidance and support throughout the development process.

Overall, nearshoring can be a valuable tool for insurance companies that are looking to reduce the cost, complexity, and risk of software development. By working with a nearshore development team, insurance companies can gain access to a wider pool of experienced professionals, reduce labor costs, and improve communication and collaboration.

This can help to ensure that software development projects are completed on time and within budget and that the resulting software meets the specific needs of the insurance company.

Some examples of insurance software solutions

Before ending the article with my final thought it’s important to mention some of the applications that insurance companies are developing with the help of software developers.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software: CRM software can help insurance companies to manage their customer relationships. This software can track customer interactions, manage leads, and provide insights into customer behavior.

Claims management software: Claims management software can help insurance companies to process claims efficiently. This software can automate the claims process, track the status of claims, and provide updates to customers.

Underwriting software: Underwriting software can help insurance companies to assess risk and price policies appropriately. This software can collect and analyze data, and it can provide recommendations for pricing and underwriting.

Risk management software: Risk management software can help insurance companies to identify and manage risks. This software can collect and analyze data, and it can provide insights into risk exposure.

On another note, more and more insurance companies are starting to implement IA to improve their performance, service, and revenue. It’s a long subject but I’ll discuss this further in next’s week article: “IA, The Future of insurance software development?” So, stay tuned if you don’t want to miss it!

nearshoring insurance software

Final thoughts 

Insurance companies are increasingly turning to nearshore to reduce the cost, complexity, and risk of software development. By working with a nearshore development team, insurance companies can gain access to a wider pool of experienced professionals, reduce labor costs, and improve communication and collaboration. This can help to ensure that software development projects are completed on time and within budget and that the resulting software meets the specific needs of the insurance company.

Nearshoring is expected to continue to grow in popularity as insurance companies look for ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Nearshore partners will need to continue to invest in their capabilities to meet the growing demand for software development services.

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